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Here is the prosses I took to create and design this Spaceship.

We were given the main shape and showed how to form a few parts, such as the rudder. After that, I started to create wings because I didn't like how the wings looked when you just extrude the side of the ship. So, I made a separate, custom piece and attached it to the side of the ship. The wings were shaped with a flat edge when the side of the ship was round, so it took a few tries.


We were then taught how to add a line of symmetry so you don't have to remake every part. This especially came in handy with the wings and blasters. 


We used "quick unwrap" to get all the pieces in the area, then rearranged them to make sense to us so we knew what we were putting textures on. 

Beginning Model
Beginning Model

This is how the spaceship was presented to us, simple and has many personalizable parts. 


Here is the blueprint for in photoshop. I added the textures over the polygons and checked back each once in a while to make sure I was putting the textures on the right part of the ship. 

WIP Model

This is a work in progress shot, you can see the wing separate from the rest of the ship. I was still designing them, for they look like triangles right now.

Some Textures

Here is the ship with just a few simple textures added. You can see the parts without textures apposed to those with some. 

Finished Model

This is after everything was attached and edited. You can see the line of symmetry going down the middle.


Here is the finished spaceship with all of its textures. This is a poster design with added shading and highlights. 

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